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Az Európai Unió támogatásával

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Project name: Unleashing the Potential of Public transport in EuRope

Project Acronym: UPPER

Project website: https://www.upperprojecteu.eu/

Duration: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2026



The aim of the UPPER project is to strengthen the role of public transport in the cities, increasing the share of zero emission mobility. The measures specified serve also, among others, the achievement of the climate neutral priorities to be realised until 2030.

In the framework of the project, BKK has set the objective to realise and introduce such passenger-friendly solutions, which make public transport an even more competitive and attractive alternative for each one of us.

In the framework of the project, BKK has specified the following measures:

  1. Improving the efficiency and convenience of public transport services –
  2. Establishment of new multimodal, digital packages
  3. Understanding on a deeper level the connection between the service level and passenger satisfaction
  4. Development of the journey planning system to increase user satisfaction
  5. Introducing new services to increase satisfaction and convenience
  6. Further development and rethinking of the existing PT prioritizing tools

Lead partner: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TRANSPORTS PUBLICS (UITP) (The International Association of Public Transport) (BE)

Partners: FIT Consulting SRL (IT), ETRA Investigación Y Desarrollo SA (ES), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE), POLIS (BE), EMTA European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (FR), Rupprecht Consult.Forschung & Bereatung GmbH (DE), ICLEI European Secretariat GmbH (DE), EIT Kic Urban Mobility SL (ES), EUROCITIES ASBL (BE), Instituto de Biomecanica de Valencia (ES), PTV Planung Transport Verkehr GmbH (DE), Factual Consulting (ES), Communaute d’Agglomeration de Versailles Grand Parc (FR), Institut d’Amenenagement Et d’Urbanisme de la Region d’Ille de France (FR), Instant System (FR), IFP Energies nouvelles (FR), Roma Servizi per la Mobilita SRL (IT), Roma Capitale (IT), TTS Italia (IT), Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Valencia SA (ES), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (ES), Ayuntamiento de Valencia (ES), Ruter AS (NO), Statens Vegvesen (NO), Oslo Kommune (NO), BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (HU), Camara Municipal de Lisboa (PT), TML Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa E.M,S.A (PT), Companhia Carris de Ferro de Lisboa, E.M,S.A (PT), Stad Leuven (BE), Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (GR), Organismos Sygkoinoniakoy Ergou Thessalonikis Anonymi Etraira (GR), Stadt Mannheim (GR), Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH (DE), Region Hannover (DE), European Passengers’ Federation IVZW (BE), European Cyclists Federation ASBL (BE), REDLAB (FR)

Project total budget: 23 575 522,94 €; 

BKK budget in the project: 602 500 €

Grant Agreement number: 101095904

Funded by: Horizon Europe (70%)

BKK role in the project: Twinning City