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Az Európai Unió támogatásával

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Project name: (Rethinking the dEsign of streets And pubLic spaces to Leverage the mOdal shift to Climate-friendly Active Transport Everywhere)

Project Acronym: REALLOCATE

Duration: 05.01.2023 – 04.30.2027.



A drastic decrease in transport emissions of 55% by 2030 and 90% by 2050 is required for European cities to reach climate neutrality. This is hindered by inconvenient mobility infrastructure, inadequate services, and insufficient governance for short-distance travel, negatively impacting active modes’ safety and security. REALLOCATE’s main objective is to pave the way towards climate-neutral, safe, inclusive, and smart European cities through integrated and innovative sustainable urban mobility solutions that will address the needs of diverse groups and communities while rebalancing street space allocation. The project will empower 10 twinned Mission Cities (Gothenburg-Tampere, Heidelberg-Utrecht, Lyon-Warsaw, Budapest-Zagreb, Barcelona-Bologna) by providing horizontal thematic expertise, supporting them to build a local innovation ecosystem to develop and deploy zero-emission, shared, inclusive, active and human-centered mobility interventions. Pilots in 15 urban and peri-urban unsafe areas will demonstrate innovative urban space management and reallocation strategies for sustainable modes (with a specific focus on active modes), having in mind safety, inclusivity, affordability, and a just transition to climate neutrality overall. Solutions include innovative urban design, behavioural nudging, smart technology, and data-driven solutions to reduce actual and perceived road safety risks, all contributing to achieving climate neutrality by 2030. The pilots will be the learning and testing environments for integrated approaches to foster knowledge transfer and collaborative learning to staff in cities through mentoring and capacity building, knowledge exchange, twinning, and work shadowing. The project’s impact will be exponentially increased by engaging 10 Cascade Cities in capacity-building activities and providing them with replication packages and guidelines resulting in implementation plans for replicating at least one of the innovative solutions piloted.

Within the project, BKK will use tactical urbanism tools to create traffic-calmed, safe, and speed-reduced streets in two locations in Budapest:
- In the 8th district, there will be a public space transformation inspired by the Barcelona superblocks and London’s Healthy Streets.
- At the intersection of Fóti Road and Megyeri Road, a cross-sectional redesign will be carried out based on the Transportation Development Network Plan (KFHT) and traffic safety strategy.

The aim of the project is therefore to design inclusive, safe, affordable, and sustainable urban mobility in line with safe, climate-neutral mobility systems. Its main result is that it provides BKK and the capital with the opportunity to test innovative traffic safety and complex public space renewal methods.

The consortium is composed of 28 partners from 12 countries.

Project website: REALLOCATE

Lead partner: University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Dublin (UCD),

Partners: Eurocities ASBL (EUROCITIES), Factual Consulting SL (FACTUAL), Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (CERTH), Iclei European Secretariat Gmbh (ICLEI EUROPASEKRETARIAT GMBH) (ICLEI EURO), Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Angewandten FORSCHUNG EV (Fraunhofer), NUDGD AB (Nudgd), European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organisation - Intelligent Transport Systems & Services Europe (ERTICO ITS EUR), Demos Research Institute Oy (DEMOS), European Cyclists Federation ASBL (ECF), Barcelona Supercomputing Center Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion (BSC CNS), Centre d Etudes et d Expertise sur les Risques l Environnement la Mobilite et l Amenagement (Cerema), Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus Vtt Oy (VTT), Tampereen Kaupunki (TAMPERE), Ove Arup & Partners Ireland Limited (ARUP), International Federation of Pedestrians - Research (IFP-research), Dekra Automobil Gmbh (DEKRA), Ajuntament de Barcelona (BARCELONA), Institut Municipal de Persones Amb Discapacitat (IMPD), Nemi Mobility Solutions Sl (NEMI), Comune di Bologna (COBO), Fondazione per L'innovazione URBANA (FIU), Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata (BUDAPEST), BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (BKK), Goteborgs Kommun (GOTEBORG), Gemeente Utrecht (CITY OF UTRECHT), Stichting Sport Utrecht (Sport Utrecht), Veilig Verkeer Nederland (VVN), Miasto Stoleczne Warszawa (CITY OF WARSAW), Grad Zagreb (CITY OF ZAGREB), Sindikat Biciklista Udruga (SBC), Sveuciliste u Zagrebu Fakultet Prometnih Znanosti (FTTS), Metropole de Lyon (METROPOLE LYON), Commune de Lyon (COMMUNE LYON), Fundacja na Rzecz Wspolnot Lokalnych na Miejscu (FNM), Stadt Heidelberg (HEIDELBERG), Hogskolan i Halmstad (HH),


Project budget: 12 690 025 €, BKK budget in project: 217 187.50 €

Grant Agreement number: 101103924

Funded by: Horizon Europe 70%

BKK's role in the project: Project partner