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Project name: Demand REsponsive trAnsport integrating regional Mobility networks for PAssengers in Central Europe 

Project Acronym: DREAM_PACE

Duration: 01.03.2023 – 28.02.2026.



The territory of central Europe is characterized by uneven transport connections and mobility opportunities, across and within regions, between urbanized contexts and rural and peripheral areas. The project's common challenge is to improve accessibility and connectivity in CE peripheral and rural areas through better integration of public transport networks with Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) services, building on joint development and implementation of governance,planning, digital and operational innovations. DREAM_PACE will develop innovative DRT concepts complementing regional mobility networks. The project will improve DRT planning and delivery capacities of public authorities and operators. A new generation of DRT services will become functional and integral part of regional mobility networks, enhancing accessibility for citizens,territorial cohesion and social inclusion. Partners will jointly develop a strategy for DRT, co-design, test and implement innovative DRT solutions enhancing mobility networks. The project implementation builds on transnational cooperation to guarantee an adequate responsiveness and adaptability of project results to specific characteristics of mobility ecosystems across CE rural and peripheral areas.

As a continuation of the SMACKER project, which was completed on 30 June 2022, BKK will continue to improve the current DRT service by increasing the flexibility of DRT lines and supporting innovative IT solutions.  

The consortium is composed of 12 partners from 5 countries.

Project website: https://www.interreg-central.eu/projects/dream-pace/

Lead partner: SRM Networks and Mobility (IT)

Partners: Redmint Social Enterprise (IT), Autoguidovie Spa (IT), Mobilissimus (HU), BKK Centre for Budapest Transport (HU), Dyvolve d.o.o. (HR), Split-Dalmatia County (HR), AustriaTech - Federal Agency for Technological Measures Ltd. (AT), Regional Management East Tyrol (AT), Technische Universität Berlin (DE), nexus Institute for Cooperation Management and Interdisciplinary Research (DE), Rupprecht Consult (DE)

Project budget: 2 821 943 €, BKK budget in project: 228 100 €

Grant Agreement number: CE0100046

Funded by: Interreg Central Europe (80%) + Hungarian State (15%)

BKK's role in the project: Project partner