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Public transport of the blind and visually-impaired persons

Travel discounts

BKK helps the blind and visually-impaired persons to use Budapest’s public transport services as simply as possible, also by providing discounts. They are entitled to the service of BKK’s lines, regional buses and also to the service of suburban railway trains free of charge or with a discounted ticket.


Public transport of the blind and visually-impaired persons


Entitlement to free and discounted travels must be verified in all cases by an official document, in order they could receive discounts. They have two options to do so, as follows:

  • The official ID Certificate entitling to travel discounts issued by the Hungarian State Treasury (between 1 April 2015 and 31 October 2017, by the Central Administration of National Pension Insurance) along with the personal photo ID The official ID certificate can be used until the expiry date indicated on the certificate.
  • The official photo ID issued by the Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (MVGYOSZ). 

In case the issuance of the official ID certificate is delayed, the Central Administration of National Pension Insurance issues an official paper-based ID certificate for a restricted time period that can be used equally, the same way, as the official ID certificate.


Local transport

  • The blind and visually-impaired persons are entitled to free travel within the administrative boundaries of Budapest, Diósd, Budakeszi, Budaörs, Gyál, Nagykovácsi, Remeteszőlős, Solymár, Szigetszentmiklós, Törökbálint and Pécel.
  • One accompanying person of the blind customer is entitled to free travel only when accompanying the blind person.


Regional transport 

  • Blind persons are entitled to free travel on the sections outside of Budapest on regional transport lines.
  • One accompanying person along with the blind passenger is entitled to travel on suburban railway lines in possession of a Suburban railway ticket -90% and on the suburban railway lines on the section outside of Budapest in possession of the Suburban railway pass - 90%, only while accompanying the blind passenger.


Travel with a guide dog

Guide dogs for blind people are entitled to travel free-of-charge and without a muzzle. We would like to kindly ask you not to pet the guide dog, as their distraction can be dangerous for their owner.


Transport-related information for the blind and visually-impaired persons

Thanks to the screen reader function, BKK’s FUTÁR Journey Planner (state-of-the-art, real-time traffic management and passenger information system) are able to provide also audible passenger information services. The screen reader function can be switched on by a remote controller on sale in the stores dedicated for the blind. 

  • Please find the list of the FUTÁR displays at this link.

Also the screen reader of the BudapestGO app downloadable to a smart phone help the blind persons’ transport. This app is available on Android and iOS operating systems and can be downloaded from the app stores and also directly from here:


Safe pedestrian crossings

There are audible traffic lamps installed at several pedestrian crossings in Budapest, which switch to the audio mode signaling when passengers can cross the street. There are two types of traffic lamps operating in Budapest: one of them can be switched on by a remote controller (433 MHz), the other type of them is the timer-based audible traffic lamps that are not operable at nights or only operable on a low frequency in order not to disturb residents living in these areas.


Please find the list of the audible traffic lights here.