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International Declaration on Accessible Transport signed by BKK

Budapest, 20 February 2023 – BKK Centre for Budapest Transport has joint the international declaration, in the framework of which the world’s major transport and technological companies as well as advocacy organisations representing disabled persons undertake to jointly work on accessible transport that is available to all users. The Lecco Declaration describing the above-described objectives was signed at the end of January, 2023 on behalf of BKK by dr. Katalin Walter, CEO of BKK.



In the joint collaboration launched in Lecco (Italy), in addition to BKK, such well-known organisations are participating, such as UITP (International Association for Public Transport), AAATE (Association for the advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe) and also ENIL (European Network on Independent Living). The founding companies have been working since 12 July 2022 on developing safe transport with the help of universal design and assistive technologies jointly with disabled customers and public transport providers.

 Accessibility can be realised along the following principles:

  • accessible transport (including physical and digital infrastructure) is part of the sustainable urban mobility;
  • accessible mobility with the help of transport infrastructure, digital services and equipment or human assistance;
  • by increasing passenger experience in the course of the elaboration and application of accessible mobility principles;
  • by stimulating innovation with technology - including assistive technology- overcoming barriers and preventing new barriers;
  • by encouraging cooperation and interaction between stakeholders and advocacy groups, involving them in the development and implementation phases;
  • by complying with the relating EU regulations and universal design principles;
  • by providing dedicated trainings for transport professionals;
  • by sharing best practices among countries.

Please find further details, by clicking on this link.


What does BKK do for disabled customers?

In line with the declaration, BKK has recently made the below-described developments:

  • since the autumn of 2022, only low-floor buses are in operation in the Hungarian capital;
  • even the number of low-floor trolleybuses is gradually increasing, due to the procurement process of the new Solaris trolleybuses;
  • low-floor CAF trams are running on the line of trams 14, 42, 50 and 69;
  • following the reconstruction of metroline M3, metro stations will become accessible;
  • the Határ út underpass will become accessible;
  • pedestrian crossings are established at Blaha Lujza tér, Lehel tér, Újpest központ, Dózsa György út and Határ út;
  • www.bkk.hu has become accessible for visually-impaired persons and developments are under process on the BudapestGo app, in order it could be used in an accessible way.

By signing the declaration, every stakeholder, including policy makers and transport service providers hopefully confirm their commitment to providing accessible services. BKK calls on even the partner organisations to join the declaration signing, by undertaking the principles.