BKK Centre for Budapest Transport gives below an overview about its recommendations along with the recommendations made by the Municipality of Budapest and the World Health Organization. BKK along with Budapest’s transport service providers have recently taken several measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, in the framework of which they would like to kindly ask passengers to take extra attention to their and also to their fellow passengers’ health.
Based on the recommendations made by the World Health Organization, the Municipality of Budapest would like passengers to follow the following advice:
- avoid touching eyes, mouth and nose,
- wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer on a regular basis,
- when sneezing or coughing, use a disposable tissue or cover mouth with elbow,
- in case of fever, runny nose or flu-related symptoms, avoid using public transport.
BKK would like to kindly ask its customers to
- follow and comply with the recommendations made by the World Health Organization even while reaching Point B from Point A,
- always wash your hands after finishing your travel for increased efficiency, despite the fact that public transport vehicles are cleaned and disinfected on a continuous basis,
- en route – by keeping safety in mind – touch different surfaces (e.g. handrails, elements of the escalator, fellow passengers, etc.) as little as possible,
- always consider whether or not you get onboard a vehicle in case the vehicle is crowded,
- in case windows can be opened onboard a vehicle, it is advisable to let fresh air in as much as possible,
- during the pandemic, it is advisable to purchase the mobile ticket in case you find the product you wish to use while using the public transport services available in the range of the mobile ticket,
- please be so kind to be more polite with vehicle drivers, personnel carrying out ticket inspection and with your fellow passengers.
BKK Centre for Budapest Transport would like to ask Budapest’s public transport passengers to take very good care of their health and be cautious while travelling, as a reason of which, they can take care also of their fellow passengers.