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BKK Info

does not operate between Rákospalota, MEDIMPEX and Hulladékhasznosító Mű

from 15:09, Saturday, 22 February
until 15:16

is not accessible without barriers at Infopark

from 17:12, Wednesday, 5 February

runs less frequently between Pesterzsébet, Pacsirtatelep and Gubacsi út / Határ út

from 14:52, Saturday, 22 February
until 15:20

runs on a diverted route between Markó utca and Petőfi tér towards Boráros tér H

from approx. 12:30, Saturday, 22 February
until approx. 16:00

does not stop at Dísz tér

from 8:00, Thursday, 20 February
until 20:00, Wednesday, 26 February

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Kossuth Lajos tér M and Szemere utca towards Gyöngyösi utca M

from first scheduled departure, Monday, 25 September 2023
until last scheduled departure, Sunday, 31 August 2025

stop relocation

from first scheduled departure, Thursday, 20 February
until last scheduled departure, Tuesday, 17 June

stop relocation

from first scheduled departure, Monday, 25 September 2023
until last scheduled departure, Sunday, 31 August 2025

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Clark Ádám tér; and towards Pest at Széchenyi István tér

from approx. 15:00, Sunday, 23 February
until approx. 21:00

runs on a diverted route

from approx. 15:00, Sunday, 23 February
until approx. 21:00

runs on a diverted route between Vágány utca / Dózsa György út and Deák Ferenc tér M

from approx. 16:00, Sunday, 23 February
until approx. 20:00

stop relocation

from approx. 22:00, Sunday, 23 February
until approx. 4:00, Monday, 24 February

stop relocation

from approx. 22:00, Sunday, 23 February
until last scheduled departure

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Templom utca 6. and Tárcsás utca towards Millenniumtelep H

from 8:00, Monday, 24 February
until 17:00, Friday, 28 February

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Monday, 24 February
until 4:00, Tuesday, 25 February

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Ferdinánd híd (Izabella utca) and Csanády utca (Lehel tér M) towards Jászai Mari tér

from 7:00, Tuesday, 25 February
until last scheduled departure, Wednesday, 26 February

does not operate between Jászai Mari tér and Kossuth Lajos tér M (Széchenyi rakpart) 

from 9:30, Tuesday, 25 February
until 11:00

runs on a diverted route between Markó utca and Petőfi tér towards Boráros tér H

from 9:30, Tuesday, 25 February
until 11:00

stop relocation

from 8:00, Wednesday, 26 February
until 8:00, Monday, 1 September

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Szentlélek tér H

from first scheduled departure, Saturday, 1 March
until last scheduled departure, Saturday, 27 September

service changes

from first scheduled departure, Saturday, 1 March
until last scheduled departure, Saturday, 27 September

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Sunday, 2 March
until 4:00, Monday, 3 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Monday, 3 March
until 4:00, Tuesday, 4 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Tuesday, 4 March
until 4:00, Wednesday, 5 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Wednesday, 5 March
until 4:00, Thursday, 6 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Thursday, 6 March
until 4:00, Friday, 7 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Sunday, 9 March
until 4:00, Monday, 10 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Monday, 10 March
until 4:00, Tuesday, 11 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Tuesday, 11 March
until 4:00, Wednesday, 12 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Wednesday, 12 March
until 4:00, Thursday, 13 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Thursday, 13 March
until 4:00, Friday, 14 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Sunday, 16 March
until 4:00, Monday, 17 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from first scheduled departure, Monday, 17 March
until last scheduled departure, Sunday, 23 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Monday, 17 March
until 4:00, Tuesday, 18 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Tuesday, 18 March
until 4:00, Wednesday, 19 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Wednesday, 19 March
until 4:00, Thursday, 20 March

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Thursday, 20 March
until 4:00, Friday, 21 March

stop relocation

from first scheduled departure, Saturday, 29 March
until last scheduled departure, Tuesday, 29 April