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BKK Info

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Ferenciek tere M and Március 15. tér

from 17:00, Tuesday, 25 March

runs on a diverted route between Astoria M and Szent Gellért tér - Műegyetem M

from 17:00, Tuesday, 25 March

runs on a diverted route between Astoria M and Sánc utca

from 17:00, Tuesday, 25 March

stop relocation

from 16:17, Tuesday, 25 March

runs less frequently between Szent Gellért tér - Műegyetem M and Deák Ferenc tér M

from 17:29, Tuesday, 25 March

runs with increased travel time between Clark Ádám tér and Deák Ferenc tér M

from 17:45, Tuesday, 25 March

runs with increased travel time between Kálvin tér M and Nyugati pályaudvar M

from 17:40, Tuesday, 25 March

runs with increased travel time between Kápolna tér and Puskás Ferenc Stadion M

from 17:42, Tuesday, 25 March

runs with increased travel time between Kosztolányi Dezső tér and Boráros tér H

from 17:38, Tuesday, 25 March

runs with increased travel time between Építész utca and Móricz Zsigmond körtér M

from 17:36, Tuesday, 25 March

runs with increased travel time between Újbuda-központ M and Infopark (Pázmány Péter sétány)

from 17:35, Tuesday, 25 March

runs on a diverted route between Fővám tér M and Erzsébet tér towards Gyöngyösi utca M

from 15:30, Tuesday, 25 March
until 22:00

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Kossuth Lajos tér M and Szemere utca towards Gyöngyösi utca M

from first scheduled departure, Monday, 25 September 2023
until last scheduled departure, Sunday, 31 August 2025

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Komócsy utca towards Mexikói út M

from first scheduled departure, Wednesday, 5 March
until last scheduled departure, Wednesday, 14 May

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Szentlélek tér H

from first scheduled departure, Saturday, 1 March
until last scheduled departure, Saturday, 27 September

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Egressy út / Vezér utca and Komócsy utca towards Rákosmezei tér

from first scheduled departure, Wednesday, 5 March
until last scheduled departure, Wednesday, 14 May

stop relocation

from first scheduled departure, Thursday, 20 February
until last scheduled departure, Tuesday, 17 June

stop relocation

from 8:00, Monday, 24 March
until last scheduled departure, Tuesday, 25 March

new stop

from first scheduled departure, Saturday, 1 March

stop relocation

from first scheduled departure, Saturday, 1 March

stop relocation

from 8:00, Tuesday, 25 February
until 8:00, Monday, 1 September

stop relocation

from first scheduled departure, Monday, 25 September 2023
until last scheduled departure, Sunday, 31 August 2025

service changes

from first scheduled departure, Saturday, 1 March
until last scheduled departure, Saturday, 27 September

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Torma utca and Kecskeméti József utca towards Balatoni út / Háros utca

from 8:00, Friday, 28 March
until 16:45

stop relocation

from first scheduled departure, Saturday, 29 March
until last scheduled departure, Tuesday, 29 April

does not operate between Rudas Gyógyfürdő and Batthyány tér M+H

from first scheduled departure, Sunday, 30 March
until approx. 16:00

runs on a diverted route between Rudas Gyógyfürdő and Szent Lukács Gyógyfürdő

from first scheduled departure, Sunday, 30 March
until approx. 16:00

does not operate between Szent Gellért tér - Műegyetem M and Deák Ferenc tér M

from approx. 7:00, Sunday, 30 March
until approx. 15:00

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Szent Gellért tér - Műegyetem M towards Keleti pályaudvar M

from approx. 7:00, Sunday, 30 March
until approx. 15:00

runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Szent Gellért tér - Műegyetem M towards Újpalota, Nyírpalota út

from approx. 7:00, Sunday, 30 March
until approx. 15:00

bus replacement between Közvágóhíd H and Boráros tér H

from 8:00, Sunday, 6 April
until 16:00

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Monday, 7 April
until 4:00, Tuesday, 8 April

does not operate between Oktogon and Vörösmarty tér

from first scheduled departure, Tuesday, 22 April
until last scheduled departure, Sunday, 27 April

bus replacement on the whole affected route

from 23:59, Tuesday, 22 April
until 4:00, Wednesday, 23 April