Helyreállt a 40B autóbusz közlekedése!
From first scheduled departure, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 - until last scheduled departure, Thursday, 1 August 2024
- Bus 40B runs on a diverted route, does not stop between Ifjúság utca and Aradi utca.
Affected service
BKK Info
is not accessible without barriers at Infopark
from 17:12, Wednesday, 5 February
runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Széchenyi István tér and József nádor tér towards Deák Ferenc tér M
from 23:59, Friday, 7 February
until 4:00, Monday, 10 February
runs on a diverted route between Astoria M and Clark Ádám tér
from 23:59, Friday, 7 February
until 4:00, Monday, 10 February
runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Kossuth Lajos tér M and Szemere utca towards Gyöngyösi utca M
from first scheduled departure, Monday, 25 September 2023
until last scheduled departure, Sunday, 31 August 2025
runs on a diverted route on the Pesterzsébet section
from first scheduled departure, Monday, 3 February
until 4:30, Monday, 17 February
stop relocation
from first scheduled departure, Monday, 25 September 2023
until last scheduled departure, Sunday, 31 August 2025
runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Bécsi kapu tér and Kapisztrán tér towards Deák Ferenc tér M
from 13:00, Saturday, 8 February
until 20:00
bus replacement on the whole affected route
from 23:59, Monday, 10 February
until 4:00, Tuesday, 11 February
runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Dorottya utca (Vörösmarty tér M)
from first scheduled departure, Thursday, 13 February
until last scheduled departure
runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Széchenyi István tér and József nádor tér towards Deák Ferenc tér M
from 23:59, Friday, 14 February
until 4:00, Monday, 17 February
runs on a diverted route between Clark Ádám tér and Astoria M
from 23:59, Friday, 14 February
until 4:00, Monday, 17 February
does not operate between Kelenföld vasútállomás and Móricz Zsigmond körtér
from first scheduled departure, Sunday, 16 February
until 12:00
stop relocation
from first scheduled departure, Thursday, 20 February
until last scheduled departure, Tuesday, 17 June
bus replacement on the whole affected route
from 23:59, Monday, 24 February
until 4:00, Tuesday, 25 February