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Az Európai Unió támogatásával

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Project name: STARS (Sustainable Travel Accreditation and Recognition for Schools)

Project Acronym: STARS

Duration: 08.03.2013 – 07.03.2016.



The STARS Europe is an awareness-raising program with the primary goal of increasing the number of students who cycle to school, specifically targeting those who were previously driven by car. The STARS Europe project focuses on implementing two proven initiatives:

  • Accreditation Program: This initiative targets elementary school communities (students, teachers, and parents) to encourage a commitment to cycling. What sets this program apart is its emphasis on recognizing participants' efforts. Schools can progress through a ranking system from bronze to gold based on how much they promote cycling (and other forms of transportation) and the extent to which they achieve changes in travel habits.
  • Peer Involvement: This program is specifically aimed at high school students aged 11-19. It encourages participants to design and create their own campaigns promoting cycling. By using their own ideas and solutions, students can persuade their peers to be more open to, try out, and embrace cycling and other sustainable transportation options.

During the STARS project, BKK collaborated with nearly 30 elementary and secondary schools, resulting in thousands of students, teachers, and parents participating in exciting events and activities that promoted and encouraged conscious mobility. After the project's conclusion, enthusiastic school communities can continue their work under the STARS-UNIQA program, in cooperation with the Hungarian Cyclists' Club and BKK, supported by UNIQA.

Project website: Sustainable Travel Recognition and Accreditation for Schools TRIMIS

Lead partner: London Councils (LEPT), United Kingdom

London Councils (LEPT), United Kingdom;
Mobiel 21, Belgium;
DTV Consultants, Netherlands;
City of Bielefeld, Germany;
BKK Budapest Transport Center, Hungary;
City of Edinburgh Council, United Kingdom;
London Borough of Hackney, United Kingdom;
Municipality of Krakow, Poland;
Madrid City Council, Spain;
GEA 21, Spain;
City of Milan, Italy;
Province of Noord Brabant, Netherlands;
POLIS, Belgium;

Project budget: 2.554.380 €, BKK budget in project: 120.858 €

Grant Agreement number: IEE/12/804

Funded by: Intelligent Energy Europe - (75%)

BKK’s role in the project: Partner city