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Az Európai Unió támogatásával



Project name: SPROUT (Sustainable Policy RespOnse to Urban mobility Transition)

Duration: 01/09/2019 - 28/02/2023



The objectives of the SPROUT project are to assess new shared micromobility modes (rollers, “segway”, bikes, etc.), to understand their effects on public space use and also to gain experience for the usage of changing mobility environment. In the three year-long project, besides Budapest and the project leader, Zaragoza, Valencia, Padova, Kalis (Poland), Tel Aviv and Ningbo city (China) are participating. In Budapest, the project’s main tasks are to assess the situational picture in relation to micromobility and shared mobility services, to understand changes in the field of urban mobility, to get acquainted with the possibilities and European best practices regarding the regulations of micromobility and shared mobility modes and also to execute pilot interventions.

In the course of the project, jointly with Budapest Közút (the Budapest Public Road company), BKK makes assessment about the effects of traffic calming pilot projects in Erzsébetváros and Terézváros on public space use and also on the use of micromobility devices (bikes, rollers, etc.). Furthermore, Mobility Points are established in the Inner-Teréz city, by the help of which, we could gain information on the habits of users using shared mobility services. In addition, the project’s task is to create a real urban city-specific “policy response”, by utilising the experience, which also other European cities could use in their changing environment.

Project website: https://sprout-civitas.eu/

Lead partner: Fundacion Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC)

Partners: Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (GR), VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL (BE), POLIS – Promotion of Operational Links with Integrated Services, Association Internationale (BE), Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie GmbH (DE), Ayuntamiento de Valencia (ES), Fundacion de la Comunidad Valenciana Para la Investigacion, Promocion y Estudios Comerciales de Valenciaport (ES), Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (ES), Ningbo Supply Chain Innovation Institute China (CN), Ningbo Municipal Commission of Commerce (CN), Ningbo University of Technology (CN), BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ Zrt. (HU), BKK Közút Zrt. (HU), Città metropolitana di Venezia (IT), Venice International University (IT), Tel Aviv Yafo Municipality (IL), Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (IL), Instytut Logistyki i Magazynowania (PL), Miasto Kalisz (PL), Fundacja Kaliski Inkubator Przedsie Biorczosci (PL), Municipality of Ioannina (RO), Stad Mechelen (BE), Municipiul Arad (RO), Gemeente’s-Hertogenbosch (NL), Region Île-de-France (FR), Camara Municipal De Almada (PT), Agencia Municipal de Energia de Almada (PT), West Midlands Combined Authority (GB), City of Minneapolis Department of Public Works (US), Göteborgs Kommun (SE)

Project budget: 3 865 116,25 €, BKK budget in project: 97 000 €

Grant Agreement number: 814910

Funded by: Horizon 2020 (100%)

BKK's role in the projecr: Project partner