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SMART-MR 2 (2021-2023)

Az Európai Unió támogatásával

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Project name: SMART-MR (Sustainable measures for achieving resilient transportation in metropolitan regions)

Project Acronym: SMART-MR 2

Duration: 01/10/2021 – 31/03/2023



The SMART-MR 2 project is a 3-semester extension of the SMART-MR project launched in 2016, consisting of 2 professional and 1 administrative semesters. The SMART-MR project aims to support local and regional authorities in developing their transport policies to take the sustainable measures needed to achieve flexible and resilient, low-carbon transport and mobility. The continuation of the project aims to review the results in the light of the effects of the COVID pandemic. The pandemic has greatly changed everyday life, people’s lifestyle priorities, including urban mobility habits. The SMART-MR 2 project will review previously defined objectives, measures, and methods to accommodate changes caused by the pandemic. During the extension, 8 project partners from 7 metropolitan regions (Gothenburg, Helsinki, Budapest, Ljubljana, Rome, Porto and Barcelona) share their experiences in transport and mobility planning issues through professional workshops. During the meetings, partners will present and discuss their good practices of the changes caused by the pandemic situation.

The metropolitan regions participating in the project aim to change a policy instrument and implement it in the framework of the project on the following topics:

  • integrated transport management, preparation of sustainable regional mobility plans;
  • implementation of low-emission transport developments around intermodal hubs and station urban areas;
  • adaptation of logistics systems for the post-pandemic period
  • public participation, implementation of e-participation methods.

During the project, BKK would like to learn international experiences and gather good practices in order to review the part Objectives and measures of the Budapest Mobility Plan.

Project website: https://www.interregeurope.eu/smart-mr

Lead partner: Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Partners: Regional Development Agency of Ljubljana Urban Region, Slovenia; The City of Oslo, The Agency of Urban Environment, Norway; Akershus County Council, Norway; The Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities, Sweden; Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority, Finland; BKK Centre of Budapest Transport, Hungary; Metropolitan City of Capital Rome, Italy; Porto Metropolitan Area, Portugal; Barcelona Metropolitan Area, Spain

Project budget: 420 148 €, BKK budget in the project: 49 885 €

Grant Agreement number: PGI00100

Funded by: The European Union through the Interreg Europe programme, European Regional Development Fund (85 %), Hungarian State (10 %)

BKK's role in the project: Project partner