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Az Európai Unió támogatásával



Project name: SMART-MR (Sustainable measures for achieving resilient transportation in metropolitan regions)

Duration: 01/04/2016 - 31/03/2021



The objective of the SMART-MR project is to support local and regional local governments in improving their transport policies and providing sustainable measures for achieving resilient low-carbon transportation and mobility in metropolitan regions. To tackle this issue, 10 project partners from 8 metropolitan regions (Oslo, Göteborg, Helsinki, Budapest, Ljubljana, Rome, Porto and Barcelona) share their experience gained in transport and mobility planning by organising interrelated workshops. During the workshops the partners present and discuss good practices and develop policy recommendations. Through the project results, such as the guide on sustainable measures for achieving resilient transportation in metropolitan regions, selected good practice descriptions, and policy recommendations, and through dissemination events, such as political meetings, the final conference, and regional stakeholder meetings, SMART-MR contributes to Europe 2020 goals, Cohesion Policy, and the Interreg Europe Program by supporting managing authorities and regional and local authorities to create new transport and mobility policies.

Metropolitan regions participating in the project prepare and implement action plans to improve the implementation of transport policies and the respective 8 policy instruments, by the:

  • provision of integrated transport or sustainable urban mobility plans;
  • achievement of low-carbon transport development in the form of establishment of intermodal nodes and urban station communities;
  • inclusion of stakeholders in the project’s activities and in the design and implementation of the action plans.

During the project BKK will develop and test an innovative methodology and tools for public consultation and institutional cooperation processes for the planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation processes of IKOP (Integrated Transport Development Operative Program). In case the methodology and tools are applied successfully, Budapest’s citizens and institutions will be able to contribute to the achievement of goals defined and specified in the Budapest Mobility Plan.

Project website: https://www.interregeurope.eu/smart-mr

Lead partner: Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Partners: Regional Development Agency of Ljubljana Urban Region, Slovenia; The City of Oslo, The Agency of Urban Environment, Norway; Akershus County Council, Norway; The Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities, Sweden; Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority, Finland; BKK Centre of Budapest Transport, Hungary; Metropolitan City of Capital Rome, Italy; Porto Metropolitan Area, Portugal; Barcelona Metropolitan Area, Spain

Project budget: 2 215 566 €, BKK budget in the project: 219 073 €

Grant Agreement number: PGI00100

Funded by: The European Union through the Interreg Central Europe programme, European Regional Development Fund (85 %), Hungarian State (10 %)

BKK's role in the project: Project partner