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Project name: SMACKER (Soft Measures & Actions for behavioural Change and Knowledge to Embrace Rural areas)

Duration: 01/04/2019 - 30/06/2022



The aim of the SMACKER R+D+I project is to improve public transport services in peripheral and lower housing density. BKK participates in the project as a project partner: the organisation is in charge of the development of the on-demand public transport services of the Hungarian capital. In Budapest, in the framework of the project, the currently-operating on-demand public transport services are going to be developed the way that the reservation process could be more convenient and efficient. As a result of the project, apart from the phone-based booking function, such an online interface is created, which makes reservation more convenient and eases the burden of dispatchers. Parallel to the system development, assessment of new areas to be included in the service will begin. In Budapest, based on the gained knowledge and experience, the established network can be further developed.

Project website: SMACKER

Lead partner: SRM Networks and Mobility (IT)

Partners: ITL (IT), Municipality of Gdynia (PL), Prága Suchdol kerülete (CZ), University of Maribor (SL), City Municipality of Murska Sobota (L), BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ Zrt. (HU), Regional Management East Tyrol (AT), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (AT), Emilia-Romagna Region – General Directorate for Territorial and Environmental Care Public transport and Sustainable Mobility Service (IT)

Project budget: 2 144 070,50 €, BKK budget in project: 221 917 €

Grant Agreement number: CE1332

Funded by: Interreg Central Europe (85%), Hungarian State (10%)

BKK's role in the project: Project partner