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Az Európai Unió támogatásával

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Project name: INCLUSION (Towards more accessIble and iNCLUSIve mObility solutions for EuropeaN prioritised areas)

Duration: 01/10/2017 - 30/09/2020



The goal of the INCLUSION project is to examine major factors influencing mobility and accessibility and also the mobility-related demands and conditions of the most vulnerable social groups. In the project, such innovations could be identified that could be put into practice and which could improve accessibility of public transport, specifically for vulnerable passengers with special transport needs.

In the project, examinations were carried out in six action areas (Hennef Rhine - Sieg region, Germany), Florence (Italy), Cairngoms National Park (United Kingdom), Flandria (Belgium), Barcelona (Spain), Budapest (Hungary). Each action area had diverse features, target groups and tasks. Organisations participating in the project collected available international best practices, furthermore identified eight specific areas, such as availability, affordability, convenience, efficiency, authorisation, empathy, gender equality and safety to transport accessible to everyone. Project participants created business models to reach the identified goals, in whose work also BKK did its part.

In Budapest, the project’s target groups were customers with special transport needs, such as persons with temporarily reduced mobility (as a result of e.g. sprained ankle, hand fracture) or persons with permanently reduced mobility or persons with reduced mobility for a certain period (parents with pram, wheelchair users, deaf, blind or persons with intellectual disabilities or customers speaking foreign languages. In the framework of the INCLUSION project, BKK realised two pilot projects in Budapest:

  • sensitization trainings held in the summer of 2019 for BKK’s employees who are in daily contact with BKK’s customers and also a training material was made for employees,
  • in cooperation with the Jarokelo.hu, in the framework of the “Without barriers” campaign, an online public announcement interface was created where disabled customers could make their entries about their everyday transport challenges and also about their best practices.


Lead partner: Softeco Sismat Srl (IT)

Partners: MexEx Srl (IT), Rupprecht Consult – Forshung & Beratung GmbH (DE), Mosaic Factor SL (ES), University of Aberdeen (UK), Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Sieg GmbH (DE), BusItalia Sita Nord Srl (IT), Taxistop Vzw (BE), HITRANS The Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership (UK), BusUp Technologies SL (ES), BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ (HU), EMTA European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (FR), POLIS Promotion of Operational Links with Integrated Services (BE)

Project budget: 2 969 007,50 €, BKK budget in the project: 103 125 €

Grant Agreement number: 770115

Funded by: Horizon 2020 (100%)

BKK's role in the project: Project partner