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Project name: EfficienCE (Energy efficiency for public transport infrastructure in Central Europe)

Duration: 01/04/2019 - 30/06/2022



The goal of the EfficienCE project is aimed at the measures focusing on the increase of energy efficiency and share of renewables in public transport infrastructure that could have a particularly high impact on reducing CO2. Most Central European cities have an extensive public transport network, which can form the basis of low-carbon mobility services. More than 63% of commuters in the region are using public transport.

The project goal is going to be realised, by supporting local authorities, public transport authorities and operators by developing planning and financing strategies and action plans, implementing pilot projects, developing tools and trainings to plan and operate low-carbon infrastructure, and by transferring knowledge and best practices on energy-efficient measures across Central European regions.

Twelve partners, including seven public transport authorities and service providers from seven countries are working together for three years to exploit the untapped potentials in this sector and to contribute to the EU’s ‘White Paper’ goals: to cut transport emissions by 60 percent by 2050 and to halve the use of ‘conventionally fuelled’ cars in urban transport by 2030.

BKK's main role in the project involves collaborating in the developments carried out by the Leipzig project partner. This includes creating a data platform for available infrastructure data and piloting and testing community transport infrastructure planning, charging, and energy storage requirements. Specific tasks include providing and analyzing data (primarily focusing on public transport infrastructure planning and electric bus charging networks), validating tools, and developing educational needs, among others.

Project website: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/EfficienCE.html

Lead partner: City of Leipzig, Digital City  Department

Partners: Leipzig Transport Company (LVB- Germany), Wiener Linien (Austria), BKK Centre for Budapest Transport  BKK (Hungary), Gdynia Trolleybus Transport Company (Poland), Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland), Municipality of Maribor (Slovenia), University of Maribor (Slovenia), Pilsen City Public Transport Company (Czech Republic), Municipality of Bergamo (Italy), Redmint Social Enterprise (Italy), Mobilissimus Ltd. (Hungary)

Project budget: 2 430 918 €, BKK kbudget in the project: 117 975 €

Grant Agreement number: CE1537

Funded by: Interreg Central Europe (85%), Hungarian State (10%)

BKK's role in the project: Project partner