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Az Európai Unió támogatásával

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Project name: Cities-4-People (New approaches for community-driven sustainable mobility innovations at neighbourhood and urban district level)

Duration: 01/06/2017 - 30/11/2020



The goal of the Cities-4-People project is to make, test and evaluate such people-oriented urban, community-driven transport solutions, which could serve as good examples also for other European cities. In the project, besides Budapest, the Copenhagen Business School (consortium leader), Oxforfordshire, Hamburg, Istanbul and Trikala are participating. Budapest’s main task undertaken in the project is to execute the one year-long community-planning process, as a result of which, also to elaborate three pilot interventions. The process of community planning took over one year, in the course of which, with the inclusion of the population along with other stakeholders, the Municipality of Budapest and BKK identified the mobility issues of the target area and mutually made comprehensive solution-related recommendations. To establish the practical conditions of community planning, the Citizen Mobility Lab was set up, which at several locations throughout the spring and summer of 2018 awaited interested citizens open to a mutual brainstorming process and to community planning. During the interactive process, we made an intervention idea list containing innovative mobility solutions reacting to arisen issues. Among the recommended solutions, the population had the chance both in online and offline modes to vote and select the three interventions, which could be tried and evaluated in a pilot form during the pilot period. The three pilot interventions, whose details were elaborated with the inclusion of experts by the Municipality of Budapest along with BKK Zrt. and with which the population had the chance to come across between May and August 2019, are the following:

  • Mobility Point containing different transport services at Szent Gellért tér;
  • traffic intervention promoting walking and cycling;
  • creating a walking path in Buda.

Furthermore, Budapest is in charge of the evaluation of pilot interventions and also of the realisation of one further developed pilot intervention, thus since March, 2020, we have established four Mobility Points between the section of Szent Gellért tér and Infopark.


Project website: https://cities4people.eu/hu/

Lead partner: Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

Partners: Copenhagen Business School (GB), Oxfordshire County Council (GB), University College London (GB), Municipality of the City of Budapest (HU), Institute for Transport Sciences (KTI) (HU), Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (DE), HafenCity University Hamburg (DE), Anaptyxiaki AE OTA, e-Trikala SA (GR), Q-PLAN International (GR), Municipality of Uskudar (TR), Istanbul University (TR), White Research (BE).

Project budget: 3 999 937,5 €, BKK budget in the project: 51 424 €

Grant Agreement number: 723194

Funded by: Horizon 2020 (100%)

BKK's role in the project: Professional support partner of the Municipality of Budapest