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International relations

BKK’s international cooperation and research, development and innovation (R&D&I) projects

BKK Centre for Budapest Transport, as the integrated mobility manager of the Municipality of Budapest is determined to be an active participant of each and every international transport organising network and also of such transport development-related projects, promoting exchange of ideas and innovation, which BKK deems useful and beneficial for the City of Budapest. Metropolises, specifically the European capitals face basically the same transport-related challenges. Therefore, it is particularly important and necessary to study and have a look at the international best practices and situations when development-related trends and specific projects are specified.

The City of Budapest has had a century-old tradition of active participation in international professional organisations for public transport. The continuation of this tradition is ensured by BKK since its foundation in 2010 commissioned by the Municipality of Budapest. Thanks to its international membership, BKK is an integral part of the most significant, below-listed international transport-related organisations, by the help of which, on a continuous basis BKK can learn about the innovative solutions and transport trends emerging worldwide and can share its own experience about the results of Budapest-based transport management and transport development.


BKK's memberships in international professional organisations


European Metropolitan Transport Authorities


EMTA (European Metropolitan Transport Authorities) brings together the authorities responsible for public transport in the main European cities in order to promote the exchange of information and good practices in the field of public transport organisation, planning and funding. BKK has been a member of EMTA since 2011 and the CEO of BKK is the president of EMTA since 2023. Meetings are held twice per year in a specified member city with the representation of the senior management. Further information is available in English on the organisation’s website: www.emta.com





EUROCITIES is the network of major European cities founded in 1986 by the mayors of six large cities: Barcelona, Birmingham, Frankfurt, Lyon, Milan and Rotterdam. In addition to sharing and exchanging knowledge, they wanted to create a common political platform that could act as a channel for effective communication made by the member cities with the European institutions. Currently, the network brings together 130 cities of more than 30 countries with its headquarters in Brussels. Budapest has been a member since 1996. EUROCITIES operates through thematic forums (for example, mobility, culture, environment) divided into working groups. BKK is a regular participant of the EUROCITIES Mobility Forum. With the cooperation of EUROCITIES, BKK is in charge of expressing its opinion on different policies, data services for international benchmarks, active participation in seminars and conferences and also specification of potential research tasks. EUROCITIES organises even multi-day-long professional conferences once per year. Further information is available in English on the organisation’s website: www.eurocities.eu



Union Internationale des Transports Publics / The International Association of Public Transport


UITP (Union Internationale des Transports Publics / The International Association of Public Transport), the only worldwide network in this profession turned 130 years old in 2015. UITP, headquartered in Brussels, is the international network of transport authorities, enterprises, scientific institutions, businesses and operators covering all branches of public transport: metro, bus, tram, light-rail and waterborne transport. The association provides a platform for global cooperation and knowledge sharing between its 3,400 members from 92 countries in addition to representing and popularising the cause of public transportation the world over: the main forum for this being the bi-annually organised UITP World Congress and Exhibition. The Budapest Mobility Plan, Budapest’s first sustainable urban mobility plan was shortlisted and acknowledged in the Best Public Transport Strategy category in the six finalists among 200 applicants of the Global Public Transport Awards in the UITP World Congress organised in Milan in 2015. Further information is available in English on the organisation’s website: www.uitp.org





Polis – Cities and Regions for Better Transport is a network of European cities and regions working together since 1989 to develop innovative technologies and policies for local transport. The main objectives of the Brussels-headquartered organisation are to promote exchange of experience and information between members and to represent the interests of cities and regions in the elaboration and preparation of transport-related EU regulations at EU institutions. In addition to the professional network building and the coordination of international cooperation, Polis participates in the preparation and execution of several EU-funded research and innovation projects. In recent years, BKK has successfully joined several of these projects, raising hundreds of thousands of euros for Budapest. In 2015, POLIS opened the possibility for joining even for cities situated outside of Europe. Sao Paolo (Brasil) and Jerusalem (Israel) were among the first cities outside of Europe, which joint the network of European cities. The presidency is elected among the members for two years. Between the period of 2013 and 2015, BKK Zrt., as the representative of Budapest contributed to the work of Polis as its vice-president. The international professional work is carried out through thematic working groups (Active travel and Health, Clean vehicles and Air quality, Mobility and Transport efficiency, Parking, Accessibility, Transport Safety, Governance and Integration and Urban Freight Transport), in which BKK takes an active part on a regular basis. Polis organises even multiday-long professional conferences once a year. Further information is available in English on the organisation’s website: www.polisnetwork.eu



BKK’s international R&D&I activities

Since its establishment, BKK has been an active member in several international research, development and innovation (R&D&I) projects, from whose results actors representing both the local and international transport profession can benefit. Main objectives of the EU-funded R&D&I projects are to promote knowledge transfer between cities and also to contribute to the spread of new, innovative technologies and transport solutions. There are two main types of cooperation:

  • as a project partner, the actual development and innovation-related work of BKK is interconnected with the objectives of a given project and comprehensive solutions can be made in the framework of an international cooperation.
  • as a project supporter, BKK’s colleagues can participate in other European projects as external experts and contributors.

Click here to find out more about the EU-funded R&D&I projects currently ongoing and successfully completed with the participation of BKK.