What are the rules for using this fare product?
It entitles you to unlimited travel within its validity period.
Persons with a "Travel Voucher for Retirement Pension Beneficiaries" are entitled to the pass with a pass ID for pensioners issued by BKK (details on the pass ID and eligibility for the discount are given separately). The voucher can also be used to buy a discounted Pest County or Hungary Pass.
Official document issued by the Hungarian authorities required for use.
For what services is the pass valid?
Within the administrative boundaries of Budapest for almost all BKK services and suburban buses (lines 1-99, 101-299, 900-999, M1, M2, M3, M4, D14), on HÉV suburban railway lines H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, as well as on trains of MÁV in 2nd class (except on trains with supplementary charges, but if the journey is only within Budapest, you can take any train and you do not need to pay a seat reservation), and on designated regional services of VOLÁN.
This pass is not valid on the 100E Airport Express.
Ticket validation – paper tickets
No separate validation required after purchase.
Ticket validation – digital tickets
As you enter the metro station or board a street-level transport vehicle through the front door, scan the QR code or hold your phone in front of the NFC-sticker when using the BudapestGO app. After scanning, present the animated image to the staff or, if asked by the ticket inspector, click on the ticket details and show the code there. For more information and a video tutorial on how to use the passes, click here, and on one-step ticket validation, click here.
Ticket validation - with MÁV app
No separate validation required after purchase. At the metro entrance and when boarding at the front door, present the ticket from the app (with the validity period and barcode clearly visible).
Validity period
From 00:00 (midnight) on the selected starting day (but not earlier than the time of purchase) until 02:00 on the same day of the following month. You can also check the validity period of your pass by clicking here.
Photo ID required for use
The pass can only be used with a valid, original pass ID for pensioners whose number was provided at the time of purchase (no copy/scan of the photo ID accepted).
Is the pass transferable?
Sales points
Download the free BudapestGO app or any digital ticketing app and buy your mobile ticket online.
You can find the further sales locations with the BKK Sales Point Finder search tool.
Refund rule
Only passes sold by BKK will be refunded and only before the start of the validity period (please find the detailed regulation here).
Further information
The pass must be presented at the time of ticket inspection and handed over at the request of the person carrying out the check.
When using a pass purchased in the form of a mobile ticket, the animated image or code must be presented as described in the section on ticket validation.
If the paper pass is damaged or the number of the photo ID has changed, it will be exchanged for a new pass of the same type and validity at the designated place for a handling fee, details here. It is forbidden to remove the barcode and the serial number from the pass. The pass will not be replaced if it is lost!
The digital pass becomes valid for travel 2 minutes after successful purchase.
An active internet connection is required to use the mobile ticket.
You can find out about the advance purchase rules here.
Please check the validity rules of passes, the MÁV trains and VOLÁN buses here.