From 15 January to 15 April 2016 – Pedestrians, motorists, cyclists, chairlift

Changes affecting pedestrians

Pedestrian traffic is unaffected during this period.

Public road restrictions

Traffic restrictions in the vicinity of Széll Kálmán tér during the late evening to the early morning on 21/22 and on 22/23 March

From 19:00 on 21 March (Monday) 2016 until circa 5:00 on 22 March (Tuesday) 2016, traffic restrictions apply in the intersection of Krisztina körút and Csaba utca due to construction works.

Evening and nighttime construction works will be carried out in three phases. From circa 19:00 until circa 22:00, two lanes will be closed on Krisztina körút leading to Széll Kálmán tér and one lane will be accessible alongside construction area. From 22:00 until circa midnight, the middle lanes will be closed in the intersection, therefore one lane per direction will be open on Krisztina körút alongside the construction area. Temporarily motorists will be able to make only right turns from Csaba utca. Between 0:00 and 5:00, two lanes will be closed on the Csaba utca side of Krisztina körút, therefore motorists will not be able to enter Csaba utca from Krisztina körút nor to exit from the street. One lane will be open on Krisztina körút towards Attila út.

From 20:00 on 22 March (Tuesday) until 5:00 on 23 March (Wednesday) 2016, at the Széna tér junction of Margit körút as well as in the intersections of Ostrom utca and Várfok utca on Vérmező út, construction works will be carried out. One lane per direction will be open to traffic alongside the current construction area.

Szabó Ilonka utca will be a one-way street for a period of one week from 16 March 2016

From 16 March 2016 for approximately one week, Ostrom utca will be accessible only one way to Szabó Ilona utca between the route section of Batthyány utca and Szabó Ilonka utca due to public utilities works to be carried out in relation to the refurbishment of Széll Kálmán tér.

While this traffic restriction applies, the direction Széll Kálmán tér-Csalogány utca is accessible either via Várfok utca or via Fiáth János utca.

From 11 March 2016, only one traffic lane per direction will be open for a few days at the junction of Krisztina körút and Attila út

From 9:00 on Friday, 11 March 2016 only one traffic lane per direction will be open to traffic going from Krisztina körút to Attila út and for traffic going from Attila út to Krisztina körút due to minor construction works related to the renovation of Széll Kálmán tér at the junction of Krisztina körút and Attila út. The lane closure is planned to last until Wednesday, 16 March 2016.

The restriction does apply to motorists driving along Krisztina körút headed to Alkotás utca or Széll Kálmán tér. From 16 March, two lanes will be reopened from the direction of Attila út towards Krisztina körút while in the opposite direction only one lane is provided according to the new traffic alignment.

Changes affecting cyclists

We kindly ask cyclists to use the bypasses during the reconstruction of Széll Kálmán tér.

The area will be accessible for cyclists from the spring of 2016.

Recommended bicycle path north of the square:
Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor (Városmajor)–Retek utca–Széna tér

Recommended bicycle path south of the square:
Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor (Városmajor)–Ignotus utca–Csaba utca–Hajnóczy József utca–Vérmező

Changes affecting the Chairlift

Last updated at 7:30 on Monday, 21 March 2016