From 13 December 2015 to 14 January 2016 – Public transport

Services affected by the change:


Services according to the original timetables and routes:


From 8 January 2016 Várfok utca will be opened to Széll Kálmán tér while a section of Csaba utca will be turned into a pedestrian zone

  • The terminus of buses 21 and 21A will be located on the square-side of the road section of Várfok utca between Csaba utca and Vérmező út.
  • The terminus of bus 102 will be located on the square-side of the road section of Várfok utca between Csaba utca and Széll Kálmán tér.
  • Bus 116 to Fény utcai piac runs on the Várfok utca–Széll Kálmán tér–Dékán utca route while its route to Dísz tér is unchanged.
  • The terminus of buses 139, 140, 140A and 142 will be located on the square-side of the road section of Várfok utca between Csaba utca and Vérmező út.
  • Night-time tram replacement bus 6 in service during the bi-weekly regular maintenance sessions along the Grand Bouldevard continues to serve the terminus on Margit körút.

Bus lines 21 and 21A

From 8 January 2016, in the direction of Csillebérc, KFKI and Normafa, bus lines 21 and 21A will run on the route section Széll Kálmán tér M-Várfok utca-Krisztina körút from where they will run on their original routes.

The original bus stops will be served between Déli pályaudvar M and Csillebérc, KFKI and between Déli pályaudvar M and Normafa. In addition to their original stops, the following stop will be served:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M (boarding and drop-off points at their terminuses): designated stop in Várfok utca ahead of the intersection of Csaba utca

From 8 January 2016, in the direction of Széll Kálmán tér M, bus lines 21 and 21A will run on their original routes from Csillebérc, KFKI and from Normafa to the intersection of Krisztina körút and Attila út from where they will run on the route Vérmező út–Várfok utca–Széll Kálmán tér M.

The original stops will be served between Csillebérc, KFKI and Déli pályaudvar M and between Normafa and Déli pályaudvar M. In addition to their original stops, the following stop will be served:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M (boarding and drop-off points at their terminuses): designated stop in Várfok utca ahead of the intersection of Csaba utca.

Bus line 102

From 8 January 2016, in the direction of Szendrő utca, bus line 102 will run on the route section Széll Kálmán tér M- Várfok utca–Krisztina körút–Csaba utca from where its original stops will be served.

The original stops will be served by bus line 102 between the route section Maros utca and Szendrő utca. In addition to their original stops, the following stop will be served:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M (boarding and drop-off points at its terminus): designated stop in Várfok utca past the intersection of Csaba utca

From 8 January 2016, in the direction of Széll Kálmán tér M, bus line 102 will run on its original route from Szendrő utca to the intersection of Krisztina körút and Attila út from where it will run on the route section Vérmező út- Várfok utca-Széll Kálmán tér M.

The original stops will be served between Szendrő utca and Déli pályaudvar M. In addition to its original stops, the following stop will be served:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M (boarding and drop-off points at its terminus): designated stop in Várfok utca past the intersection of Csaba utca

Bus line 116

From 8 January 2016, in the direction of Dísz tér, bus line 116 will run on the route section Fény utcai piac–Retek utca–Dékán utca–Széll Kálmán tér–Margit körút–Széna tér–Ostrom utca–Bécsi kapu tér from where it will run on its original route.

The original stops will be served between Bécsi kapu tér and Dísz tér. In addition to its original stops, the following stops will be served:

  • Fény utcai piac (terminus): stop of bus line 149 in the direction of Fenyves utca;
  • Fény utcai piac: stop of bus line 149 in the direction of Széll Kálmán tér M;
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: drop-off point ahead of the pedestrian crossing of Dékán utca;
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: boarding point of bus lines 16 and 16A in Ostrom utca
  • Mátray utca: stop of bus lines 16 and 16A

From 8 January 2016, bus line 116 will run on its original route in the direction of Fény utcai piac from the Dísz tér terminus between Várfok utca and Vérmező út from where it will run on Várfok utca–Széll Kálmán tér–Dékán utca–Retek utca–Fény utcai piac.

The original stops will be served between Dísz tér and Mátray utca. In addition to its original stops, the following stops will be served:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M: in Várfok utca ahead of the intersection of Vérmező út;
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: designated stop in Várfok utca past the intersection of Csaba utca;
  • Fény utcai piac (terminus): stop of bus line 149 in the direction of Fenyves utca.

Bus line 139

From 8 January 2016, in the direction of Gazdagréti tér, bus line 139 will run on the route section Széll Kálmán tér M–Várfok utca–Krisztina körút from where it will run on its original route.

The original stops will be served between Déli pályaudvar M and Gazdagréti tér. In addition to its original stops, the following stop will be served:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M (boarding and drop-off points at its terminus): designated stop in Várfok utca ahead of the intersection of Csaba utca

From 8 January 2016, in the direction of Széll Kálmán tér M, bus line 139 will run on its original route section from the Gazdagréti tér terminus to the intersection of Krisztina körút and Attila út from where it will run on the route section Vérmező út–Várfok utca–Széll Kálmán tér M.

The original stops will be served between Gazdagréti tér and Déli pályaudvar M. In addition to its original stops, the following stop will be served:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M (boarding and drop-off points at its terminus): designated stop in Várfok utca ahead of the intersection of Csaba utca

Bus lines 140, 140A and 142

From 8 January 2016, in the direction of Budaörs and Törökbálint, bus lines 140, 140A and 142 will run on the route Széll Kálmán tér M–Várfok utca–Krisztina körút from where the bus lines will run on their original routes.

The original stops will be served between Déli pályaudvar M and Törökbálint, bevásárlóközpont, between Déli pályaudvar M and Budaörsi lakótelep and between Déli pályaudvar M and Törökbálint, Határ utca. In addition to its original stops, the following stop will be served:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M (boarding and drop-off points at its terminus): designated stop in Várfok utca ahead of the intersection of Csaba utca

From 8 January 2016, in the direction of Széll Kálmán tér M, bus lines 140, 140A and 142 will run on their original routes between the Budaörs terminuses and the intersection of Krisztina körút and Attila út and between theTörökbálint terminuses and the intersection of Krisztina körút and Attila út from where they will run on the route section Vérmező út–Várfok utca–Széll Kálmán tér M.

The original stops will be served between Törökbálint, bevásárlóközpont and Déli pályaudvar M, between Budaörsi lakótelep and Déli pályaudvar M and between Törökbálint, Határ utca and Déli pályaudvar M. In addition to their original stops, the following stop will be served:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M (boarding and drop-off points at its terminus): designated stop in Várfok utca ahead of the intersection of Csaba utca

From 19 December 2015, Ostrom utca is accessible again from Széll Kálmán tér

From the morning on 19 December 2015 (Saturday), Ostrom utca is accessible again from Széll Kálmán tér and access to Széna tér is possible again from Ostrom utca, since utility works in relation to the refurbishment of Széll Kálmán tér has been terminated. In connection with this transport service change, the route of bus line 116 will be changed.

From 19 December 2015, bus line 116 operating from Fény utcai piac to Dísz tér will run on a modified route section Retek utca–Dékán utca–Széll Kálmán tér–Margit körút–Széna tér–Ostrom utca between its terminus and Bécsi kapu tér, serving the following stops:

  • Fény utcai piac: bus stop jointly used with bus line 149 running to Fenyves utca
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: temporary boarding point of bus lines 16 and 16A in Ostrom utca
  • Mátray utca: temporary bus stop of bus lines 16 and 16A in Ostrom utca opposite the intersection of Szabó Ilonka
  • from Bécsi kapu tér, the original stops.

From the direction of Dísz tér to Fény utcai piac, the route of bus line 116 will remain unchanged. From the intersection of Várfok utca and Vérmező utca, bus line 116 will run to the terminus on the route section Vérmező út–Széna tér–Margit körút–Bakfark Bálint utca–Varsányi Irén utca–Széna tér–Margit körút–Dékán utca–Retek utca, serving the following stops:

  • to Mátray utca: its original stops
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: in Várfok utca ahead of the intersection of Vérmező út
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: bus stop jointly used with bus line 39 on the Margit körút section of Széll Kálmán tér, ahead of the intersection of Dékán utca
  • Fény utcai piac: bus stop jointly used with bus line 149 running in the direction of Fenyves utca

From circa 2 January 2016 (Saturday), the route of bus line 116 will remain unchanged and new bus stops (in italics) will be served in both directions in the vicinity of Széll Kálmán tér:

  • Served bus stops in the direction of Fény utcai piac in the vicinity of Széll Kálmán tér:
    • Fény utcai piac: bus stop jointly used with bus line 149 running to Fenyves utca
    • Fény utcai piac: bus stop jointly used with bus line 149 in Retek utca ahead of the intersection of Dékán utca
    • Széll Kálmán tér M: on Széll Kálmán tér, ahead of the pedestrian crossing in Dékán utca
    • Széll Kálmán tér M: temporary boarding point of bus lines 16 and 16A in Ostrom utca
    • Mátray utca: temporary bus stop of bus lines 16 and 16A in Ostrom utca opposite of the intersection of Szabó Ilonka
  • Served bus stops in the direction of Dísz tér in the vicinity of Széll Kálmán tér:
    • Széll Kálmán tér M: in Várfok utca, ahead of the intersection of Vérmező út
    • Széll Kálmán tér M: bus stop of bus line 39 on Vérmező út ahead of the intersection of Ostrom utca
    • Széll Kálmán tér M: bus stop jointly used with bus line 39 on the Margit körút section of Széll Kálmán tér ahead of the intersection of Dékán utca
    • Fény utcai piac: bus stop jointly used with bus line 149 running in the direction of Fenyves utca.

Tram 61 resumes its original transfer-free service from 13 December

Tram services on line 61 and on line 59 to Szent János kórház restart without the need for transferring any longer

Since Monday, 7 December 2015 tram lines 18, 59 and 61 have been able to enter the centre of the square. Additionally, from Sunday, 13 December, passengers will have a better customer experience without the need for transferring due to the following changes:

  • tram line 61 serves its full route again between Móricz Zsigmond körtér M and Hűvösvölgy as the two separate route sections have been reunited after refurbishment
  • tram line 59 and 59A operate between Szent János Kórház (hospital) and Márton Áron tér

By restarting the regular operation of tram 61, bus lines 91, 102 and 291 will resume their original services.

Thus from Sunday, 13 December

  • bus line 91 operates between Széll Kálmán tér M and Nyugati pályaudvar M again
  • bus line 102 operates between Széll Kálmán tér M and Szendrő utca again
  • bus line 291 operates between Nyugati pályaudvar M and Zugliget, Libegő (Chair-lift)

Stop relocation of bus lines serving Széll Kálmán tér

Reconstruction works, which resulted in significant traffic restrictions will be terminated on Széll Kálmán tér on the side of Margit körút between Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor and Széna tér, therefore from 13 December bus lines operating on the square will serve their original stops and boarding and drop-off terminus points. On both sides of the Margit körút section of Széll Kálmán tér, three new bus stops will be established for bus group 22 and for bus lines 39, 91, 116, 128, 129, 149, 155, 156, 922, 956, 960 and 990.

The following changes will be applied from 13 December along bus lines serving Széll Kálmán tér:


The Széll Kálmán tér M (Csaba utca) stop of bus line 5 in the direction of Rákospalota, Kossuth utca will be relocated farther down the street circa from 130 metres on Krisztina körút past the intersection of Csaba utca.

Changes of bus line 5 in the direction of Pasaréti tér will remain unchanged.


A new terminus drop-off point will be established ahead of the pedestrian crossing at Dékán utca for bus lines 22, 22A and 222. The terminus boarding point will not be relocated.


The Széll Kálmán tér M stop of bus line 39 to Goldmark Károly utca will be relocated on Margit körút farther up from the intersection of Dékán utca. The Széll Kálmán tér M (Csaba utca) stop will be terminated.

Service of bus line 39 in the direction of Batthyány tér M+H will remain unchanged.


Bus line 91 runs again between Széll Kálmán tér M and Nyugati pályaudvar M.

Buses in the direction of Nyugati pályaudvar M will depart from their terminuses located ahead of the intersection of Dékán utca on the Margit körút section of Széll Kálmán tér.

Buses in the direction of Széll Kálmán tér will serve Széll Kálmán tér on Margit körút ahead of the pedestrian crossing of Dékán utca going from Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor and turning on the square will serve the other side of Margit körút, their terminus located ahead of the intersection of Dékán utca.


Bus line 102 will run again between Szendrő utca and Széll Kálmán tér M. The terminus boarding and drop-off points of Széll Kálmán tér of bus line 102 will be relocated to its location which was served before the reconstruction period on Csaba utca between Várfok utca and Krisztina körút.


Bus line 116 in the direction of Dísz tér will run on the route Fény utcai piac–Retek utca–Fillér utca–Ezredes utca–Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor–Krisztina körút–Vérmező út–Széna tér–Ostrom utca–Bécsi kapu tér from where it will run on its original route. On the modified route section, the following stops will be served:

  • Fény utcai piac: bus stop jointly served by bus 149
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: temporary stop jointly served by buses 16 and 16A in Ostrom utca
  • Mátray utca: temporary stop jointly served by buses 16 and 16A in Ostrom utca opposite of the intersection of Szabó Ilonka utca

The route of bus line 116 in the direction of Fény utcai piac will remain unchanged but its Széll Kálmán tér M stop will be relocated farther up from the intersection of Dékán utca on Margit körút.


The terminus of bus line 128 will be relocated to the other side of Margit körút, to the pavement next to the terminus of tram lines 4 and 6.


Bus 149 in the direction of Széll Kálmán tér M will run to Széll Kálmán tér from the intersection of Fillér utca and Retek utca on the route section Retek utca–Dékán utca–Széll Kálmán tér–Margit körút, serving the following stops:

  • Fény utcai piac: the original stop in Retek utca
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: ahead of the pedestrian crossing at Dékán utca
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: terminus on the Margit körút section of Széll Kálmán tér ahead of the intersection of Dékán utca

Bus line 149 in the direction of Fenyves utca will run on the route section Margit körút –Dékán utca–Retek utca–Fillér utca from where it will run on its original route, serving the following stops:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M: terminus on Margit körút ahead of the intersection of Dékán utca
  • Fény utcai piac: bus stop jointly used by bus 116

The terminus boarding point of bus lines 155 and 156 will be relocated farther down the street past the pedestrian crossing of Dékán utca and a drop-off point will be established ahead of the pedestrian crossing of Dékán utca.


Bus line 291 runs again between Nyugati pályaudvar M and Zugliget, Libegő. Therefore, the chair-lift will be accessible again by bus 291, instead of bus line 102.


Bus line 922 in the direction of Budakeszi will serve the following two stops on Széll Kálmán tér:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M: on Margit körút, past the pedestrian crossing of Dékán utca
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: On the Margit körút section of Széll Kálmán tér ahead of the intersection of Dékán utca

Bus line 956 in the direction of Pécel will serve the following two stops on Széll Kálmán tér:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M: on Margit körút, past the pedestrian crossing of Dékán utca
  • Széll Kálmán tér M (Csaba utca): on Krisztina körút, bus stop jointly used by bus lines 5, 960 and 990.

Bus line 956 in the direction of Hűvösvölgy will serve the following three stops on Széll Kálmán tér:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M: on Krisztina körút, bus stop jointly used by bus lines 5, 960 and 990.
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: on Margit körút, past the pedestrian crossing of Dékán utca
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: on the Margit körút section of Széll Kálmán tér ahead of the intersection of Dékán utca

Bus line 960 in the direction of Móricz Zsigmond körtér M will serve the following two stops on Széll Kálmán tér:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M: on the Margit körút section of Széll Kálmán tér ahead of the intersection of Dékán utca
  • Széll Kálmán tér M (Csaba utca): on Krisztina körút, bus stop jointly used by buses 5, 956 and 990.

Bus line 960 in the direction of Békásmegyer H will serve the following two stops on Széll Kálmán tér:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M: on Krisztina körút, bus stop jointly used by buses 5, 956 and 990.
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: on Margit körút, past the pedestrian crossing of Dékán utca

Bus line 990 in the direction of Normafa will serve the following two stops on Széll Kálmán tér:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M: on the Margit körút side of Széll Kálmán tér ahead of the intersection of Dékán utca
  • Széll Kálmán tér M (Csaba utca): on Krisztina körút, bus stop jointly used by bus lines 5, 956 and 960

Bus line 990 in the direction of Rákoskeresztúr will serve the following two stops on Széll Kálmán tér:

  • Széll Kálmán tér M: on Krisztina körút, bus stop jointly used by bus lines 5, 956 and 960
  • Széll Kálmán tér M: on Margit körút past the pedestrian crossing at Dékán utca

Unchanged services of bus lines

Services of bus lines 16, 16A, 21, 21A, 139, 140, 140A, 142 and 916 will remain unchanged.

Last updated at 10:10 on Wednesday, 7 January 2016