From 23 to 30 May 2015 – Pedestrians, motorists, cyclists, chairlift

Changes affecting pedestrians

BKK installed new pedestrian traffic lights on Margit körút at the junctions of Széna tér, Mammut 2, Erőd utca and Keleti Károly utca, at the intersection of Szent István körút and Honvéd utca, on Teréz körút at the junctions of Podmaniczky utca and Szondi utca and at Oktogon in order to enhance traffic security.

Until the end of May BKK installs loud voice assistance for the safety of the blind and the visually impaired at every junction with pedestrian crossing on Grand Boulevard between Széna tér and Oktogon.

Public road restrictions

Public road restrictions introduced earlier on Szent István körút and Teréz körút are lifted from 24 May due to the completion of the track refurbishment on Grand Boulevard. However further traffic restrictions can be expected on Margit körút and on Széll Kálmán tér due to the construction of the interconnected tram network of Buda and to the refurbishment of the square.

From 22 May (Friday morning) the original traffic alignment applies at the junction of Margit körút and Keleti Károly utca: both lanes can be used again in both directions and motorist can turn left in two lanes from Keleti Károly utca to Margit körút. Turning left to Szász Károly utca is also possible again.

From 23 May (Saturday morning) the original traffic alignment applies in Rómer Flóris utca, on the Margit utca–Mecset utca serpentine and at the junction of Margit körút–Fekete Sas utca. However

  • only the inner lane can be used on Margit körút between Török utca and Lipthay utca due to the demolition of the roof of the pedestrian underpass in Frankel Leó utca.
  • only one lane can be used in Török utca as well due to track and road construction.
  • the traffic light in the direction of the bridge is still out of service at the junction of Lipthay utca and Margit körút. Those who arrive from Lipthay utca can still turn right onto the bridge in a separate lane.

From 24 May (Sunday) the temporary bus lane on Margit körút is terminated. At the Széna tér junction minor changes occur in the lane diversions but still only one lane can be used in both directions due to the ongoing canal refurbishment. The bus lane in Tölgyfa utca between Fekete Sas utca and Margit körút is temporarily replaced by a parking lane. Margit körút is still accessible in one lane therefore BKK recommends the alternative route of Fekete Sas utca–Lipthay utca in case of congestions.

From 24 May (Sunday) turning left from Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út to Szent István körút is permitted again in one lane. Earlier it was prohibited because the motorists turning left were hindering the progress of the tram, because they could not leave the junction due to the congestions on Szent István körút. In order to solve this problem, traffic light control is introduced at the corner of Szent István körút and Váci út as well for those who are turning right onto Grand Boulevard from Váci utca.

Changes affecting cyclists

We kindly ask cyclists to use the bypasses during the reconstruction of Széll Kálmán tér.

The area will be accessible for cyclists from the spring of 2016.

Recommended bicycle path north of the square:
Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor (Városmajor)–Retek utca–Széna tér

Recommended bicycle path south of the square:
Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor (Városmajor)–Ignotus utca–Csaba utca–Hajnóczy József utca–Vérmező

Changes affecting the Chairlift

Last updated at 13:40 on Friday, 22 May 2015